Held At GunPoint!

Nathalie MichelleMotivationLeave a Comment

What would you say if I told you this time last week I was staring down the barrel of a gun? Did I see my life flash before my eyes? No. Did I immediately picture the loved ones I would leave behind? Nope. All I saw was a direct attack on my purpose-filled destiny. An attempt to thwart my imprint in this world.

Although I was in a literal onslaught of violence, we’re all in war zone. Daily, a concentrated assault on your mind, emotions, and dreams endeavor to stop you dead in your tracks. If you’re reading this-there’s still time to fight back. Will you join me? How do you plan to fight for your life and purpose? Let me know below so I can join in prayer with you. #prettybigfaith #resilience

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Genesis 50:20 NIV

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