2020: It’s Not Me, It’s You

Nathalie MichelleNathalie's Notes, Real TalkLeave a Comment

Welcome Back. As this is my first entry in almost a year, I started to fill it with excuses rooted in the harsh reality that has encompassed quite possibly one of the most painful seasons I’ve encountered since losing my husband over a decade ago. Raw anguish. Deep grief. Hopelessness. Those have been the descriptors of most of the past few years. Writing was the furthest thing from my mind. I just could not bring myself to document what was literally killing me. So I ran. I ignored the incessant urge to surrender to my calling, and went into survivor … Read More

I Thought It Would Be Better By Now

Nathalie MichelleNathalie's Notes, Real TalkLeave a Comment

Grief and pain can look like this…tears aren’t always a precursor to depression and utter sorrow. Sometimes, it looks like a well coifed and dressed, faith-filled, prayer warrior. Just because I trust God, doesn’t mean I’m immune to pain or that I don’t fear what I can’t see. Believing in Christ doesn’t make tragedy skip my address; sometimes it seems to turn the porch light on for it-if I’m honest. Walking with Christ means that I’m close to Him in every way, I experience intimacy and joy like I never knew possible, but I also know terror, fear, and heartbreak … Read More