Anybody Out There? It’s Me.

Nathalie MichelleNathalie's Notes, Real Talk2 Comments

Life as we know it has irrevocably changed. It will never be “normal” again. Many of us have experienced irreplaceable shifts and traumatic turns since the world shut down in the early part of 2020. Since then, we’ve been on a collective swing to move back to “normal,” even when we don’t openly admit it. School, work, faith gatherings, social get-togethers, and our home life have all been affected by an unpredictable, ever-morphing, minuscule virus that has transformed life as we know it. Unfortunately, we’ve seen a rise in domestic violence, suicide, loneliness, entitled behavior, and overworking. However, we’ve also … Read More

Not Like You Pictured

Nathalie MichelleNathalie's Notes, Real Talk, Self-HelpLeave a Comment

Close your eyes for a sec…come on, you know you’ve been looking for an excuse to get some shut eye in-indulge me. Close your eyes and remember the life you wanted, the one when you were a shorter version of yourself with no bills to pay and only your snack choices to contend with. What did you really want? A pony? A house filled with toys? All of the ice cream and cookies your guardians deemed were inappropriate for breakfast? Keep your eyes closed. (I know virtually impossible if you’re going to continue reading, so multitask 😜). Let’s grow up … Read More

Time To Get Unstuck

Nathalie MichelleMotivation, Nathalie's Notes, Real TalkLeave a Comment

We’re almost out of the nightmare that was 2020. It’s insane to contemplate the sheer magnitude and speed these past 366 days have encompassed (because of course this year was a leap year 🙄). The hope that we would have returned to some semblance of normalcy by autumn, seems a distant memory now as we “celebrated” Thanksgiving and our Savior’s birth with fewer places at the table and the buffering of the WiFi. For many, this year felt like trying to run in mud…you think you’re making progress, but you’re only creating a wider landing ground for when you land … Read More

2020: It’s Not Me, It’s You

Nathalie MichelleNathalie's Notes, Real TalkLeave a Comment

Welcome Back. As this is my first entry in almost a year, I started to fill it with excuses rooted in the harsh reality that has encompassed quite possibly one of the most painful seasons I’ve encountered since losing my husband over a decade ago. Raw anguish. Deep grief. Hopelessness. Those have been the descriptors of most of the past few years. Writing was the furthest thing from my mind. I just could not bring myself to document what was literally killing me. So I ran. I ignored the incessant urge to surrender to my calling, and went into survivor … Read More

I Thought It Would Be Better By Now

Nathalie MichelleNathalie's Notes, Real TalkLeave a Comment

Grief and pain can look like this…tears aren’t always a precursor to depression and utter sorrow. Sometimes, it looks like a well coifed and dressed, faith-filled, prayer warrior. Just because I trust God, doesn’t mean I’m immune to pain or that I don’t fear what I can’t see. Believing in Christ doesn’t make tragedy skip my address; sometimes it seems to turn the porch light on for it-if I’m honest. Walking with Christ means that I’m close to Him in every way, I experience intimacy and joy like I never knew possible, but I also know terror, fear, and heartbreak … Read More