Close your eyes for a sec…come on, you know you’ve been looking for an excuse to get some shut eye in-indulge me. Close your eyes and remember the life you wanted, the one when you were a shorter version of yourself with no bills to pay and only your snack choices to contend with. What did you really want? A pony? A house filled with toys? All of the ice cream and cookies your guardians deemed were inappropriate for breakfast? Keep your eyes closed. (I know virtually impossible if you’re going to continue reading, so multitask 😜). Let’s grow up … Read More
Thoughts and Prayers
I wish words like: tragedy, abuse, grief, cancer, school shootings, and genocide were as foreign as the gibberish babies and toddlers spout when they’re learning to talk. I wish tears were solely reserved for excessive joy and laughter. I wish there was no such thing as “bad news,” only “good and better.” Alas, life doesn’t work that way. From the beginning, we have had to navigate the delicate balance between good and evil, happiness and melancholy, and turmoil and peace. Daily, we are bombarded with news that makes you wonder if you’ve somehow landed in the Twilight Zone or a … Read More