This Time, You Win

Nathalie MichelleMotivation, Nathalie's NotesLeave a Comment

This is the month it happens. This time you will see it. Your sweat equity, work, hustle, and hopes come to fruition in this chapter. What’s so different about this instance? Why should everything finally work after years of rejection and denials? What changed this time around?

You did. You want it badly enough. You’ve finally had enough of letting fear antagonize you. You’re done with allowing your insecurities to boss you around. You’re tired of watching life pass you by and telling yourself, “I’ll do it tomorrow.”

You might cringe as you read this, because you’ve been down this road before. What will make it stick this time? What will guarantee that you don’t crash and burn before any of this comes true for you? A strategic combination of faith and work. This isn’t something you can just pray about. This victory will cost you something. You might sweat out your hair. You’ll probably lose some sleep. You may be humbled as you are corrected and instructed to revise, revisit, and restructure your vision, again and again.

Don’t be fazed. No one starts with perfection. You have to begin somewhere in order to have that flawless “after” picture that breaks the internet when you post that casual #transformationtuesday.

This will hurt, but it will be worth it, because you’ve had more than enough time to calculate the cost. Keep your goal in mind. What does your destination look like? How will you celebrate when you get there? Keep that image in your mind and go for it with everything you’ve got. Remember what you gave up to get up this morning. Recall what you had to sacrifice and let go of  in order to get this far. Make your pain work for you. You haven’t survived thus far to stop short.

After you’ve prayed, get moving. This is the part in the story when you take your dreams off of your vision board and run until you capture them.

“Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win!” 1 Corinthians 9:9:24, 26 NLT

You have to show up. You have to move.  At the moment you feel you can’t take another step, don’t you dare stop. You’re almost there. This time, you win.

What’s one action you can take to stay in the race? Let me know below so that I can join with you in accountability and prayer.

Honored to do life with you,



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