Pretty Big Faith Blog
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Anybody Out There? It’s Me.
Life as we know it has irrevocably changed. It will never be “normal” again. Many of us have experienced irreplaceable shifts and traumatic turns since the world shut down in the early part of 2020. Since then, we’ve been on a collective swing to move back to “normal,” even when we don’t openly a...
2Not Like You Pictured
Close your eyes for a sec…come on, you know you’ve been looking for an excuse to get some shut eye in-indulge me. Close your eyes and remember the life you wanted, the one when you were a shorter version of yourself with no bills to pay and only your snack choices to contend with. What did you re...
0Thank You 2020?!
As we said goodbye to the nightmare that was 2020, it was with a sigh a relief that we entered 2021. But as horrific as this past year was, there were some bright spots and things we were able to gain. Don’t believe me? Watch THIS! ✨✨✨ I absolutely LOVE reading your comments! Don’t forge...
0Time To Get Unstuck
We’re almost out of the nightmare that was 2020. It’s insane to contemplate the sheer magnitude and speed these past 366 days have encompassed (because of course this year was a leap year 🙄). The hope that we would have returned to some semblance of normalcy by autumn, seems a distant memory n...
02020: It’s Not Me, It’s You
Welcome Back. As this is my first entry in almost a year, I started to fill it with excuses rooted in the harsh reality that has encompassed quite possibly one of the most painful seasons I’ve encountered since losing my husband over a decade ago. Raw anguish. Deep grief. Hopelessness. Those have...
0I Thought It Would Be Better By Now
Grief and pain can look like this…tears aren’t always a precursor to depression and utter sorrow. Sometimes, it looks like a well coifed and dressed, faith-filled, prayer warrior. Just because I trust God, doesn’t mean I’m immune to pain or that I don’t fear what I can’t see. Believing in Christ ...
0When Prayers Go Unanswered
Are you waiting on anything? How do you handle the time in between the need or desire and its fulfillment? Think back to anything you’ve ever had to be patient for…how did you wait? Let’s talk about the purpose of the waiting season and how to change your perspective while you...
0My Dirty Little Secret
We all have secrets; we savor the good ones and try to forget or disown the terrible. We keep them hidden away and often try to forget them, until something agitates or reminds us of their presence. They hold us captive in their powerful grip, until we finally face them. It’s time to put it all o...
0Lessons from the Storm
Have you been riding the Game of Thrones train? No spoilers ahead in case you haven’t; I was recently introduced to the collection and can’t believe it took me this long. (hand on face emoji) I have actually been attempting to read the series and watch it simultaneously…definitely not as easy a...